Candlestick Patterns - Evening Star

Revati Krishna
24 Oct, 24
7 mins
Evening Star Candlestick pattern

The Evening Star is a key candle pattern in technical analysis, referring to a bearish reversal pattern of great importance in stocks, Forex, and crypto trading. It is portrayed at the end of an uptrend comprising three candles: large bullish one, a short indecisive one, and a large bearish one indicating a probable downturn.

Knowing the Evening Star pattern is important for traders. It signals a threat of a change in mood in the market and, potentially, even more selling at hurt prices. It's better on M30-H1 time frames or longer, since it provides clearer signals. The watch-out can be a formation above resistance levels or right after an all-time high to heighten the quality of our trading plans.

Understanding candlestick patterns

Candlestick patterns are important in technical analysis. They help us understand how prices move in markets. By examining these patterns, we gain insight into what buyers and sellers are doing. This helps us predict future price changes.

Each candlestick shows four important prices: opening, closing, highest, and lowest. These prices create patterns that indicate market trends.

The Evening Star is a very powerful bearish reversal signal that occurs at the end of an uptrend. It involves three candles: a large bullish one, followed by a small indecisive one, and a large bearish one.

This pattern tells traders that a trend might change.

We examine the daily time frame to gain good insight into the Evening Star pattern. The weekly time frame is helpful as well. However, shorter time frames certainly could be prone to misleading signals in uncertain markets.

Traders use candlestick patterns along with tools such as Fibonacci levels and divergence to achieve the best results. The Evening Star pattern is reliable in showing bearish reversals at about 70%. However, it rarely happens. This makes it less useful for trading often.

Even so, the pattern clearly shows when prices might go down. This can be a good time to sell and earn money from changes in the market.

What is an evening star?

This candlestick pattern tells of a downward shift in markets. This is one of the significant signals that inform of the fall after a rise. Here, we observe three specific candles to identify it; therefore, this understanding of market trends can assist one in earning money.

How the Evening Star Pattern is Formed

Evening star is the top of an uptrend, and it occurs over three days with three candles. The first candle is large and has a bullish body that indicates increased buying.

The second candle is small and tells the reader that the movement may go in either direction. The third candle is long and bearish, with more intent towards selling. This pattern shows that the selling momentum is increasing, meaning that the trend has changed.

Main Features of the Evening Star

By any of the features below, locate the evening star

The big, positive first candle indicates that buyers were in charge. The second candle is narrow and basically suggests anxiety and turbulence. The third candle is large, and it shows pointing down with much selling. There are usually spaces between the first and second candles, and between the second and third candles, which makes the pattern stronger.

This trend makes us realize that buyers are getting weaker and sellers are getting stronger. Seeing this trend allows traders to follow the market and earn money with the downwards change. The evening star is a useful trading kit that gives correct timing in choosing the better option.

Evening Star Pattern Forming

The evening star pattern is important in technical analysis. It shows that the market mood is turning negative. Understanding how it forms can help us make better trading plans.

The evening star appears in three stages. Each of them gives us very important hints about the market.

Three Steps of the Evening Star

The evening star pattern has three parts.

The first stage: A large green candle indicates strong buying. It indicates that the buyers are in control. Second stage: A small candle, normally a Doji, points to an uncertainty. It shows a tug of war between buyers and sellers.

Third Stage: A big red candle closes below the middle of the first candle. This shows that sellers have won. It could mean that prices will go down.

Market Situation and Timing

The evening star pattern functions under some market conditions. It usually occurs following a protracted rise and near former resistance levels. This is why trend analysis is important.

We need to pay attention to the timing. Patterns in short timeframes can be confusing. Using technical tools like moving averages and volume helps to confirm if the pattern is real. This results in better trading choices.

StageCandle TypeMarket Sentiment
1Large Bullish CandleStrong buying pressure
2Small Bodied Candle (Doji)Seller and buyer indecision
3Large Bearish CandleSellers in Control

How to Determine an Evening Star

The evening star pattern finds signs. In technical analysis, this becomes crucial in being a tool that informs the trader on the price movement. The ability to know these signs helps one make smarter trading decisions.

Visual Signs for Identification

Here's what to watch for with the Evening Star:

The first candle is long and upward, indicating strong growth. The second candle is smaller, indicating market indecision. The third candle is bearish, large, indicating a trend change.

Volume is important too. A large volume on a bearish candle makes the pattern stronger. Understanding market feelings helps know if the trend will change.

Candle PositionDescriptionImplication
First CandleLong BullishStrength in upward momentum
Second CandleSmall BodyMarket indecision
Third CandleSignificant BearishConfirmation of reversal

Then, seeing patterns such as Evening Star might help in the markets. It is useful to find good times to sell and plan our trades.

How to Trade the Evening Star

Trading the evening star pattern is considered to be very important and quite specific in its approach, with careful methods and planning. Finding this three-candlestick shape at an important resistance level could create good trading opportunities. Using smart ways to enter and exit leads to taking advantage of this bearish reversal pattern in a relatively low-risk way.

Entry and Exit Strategies

When seeing the evening star pattern, we must think of selling short. We should await the third candle's closing before we would begin to trade. Putting stop-loss above the high of the second candle will protect us from loss. Here's how we set targets and exists:

Entry Point: When the third candle closes.

Stop-Loss Level: Above the second candle high.

Target: Take-Profit Based on recent price movements or support points.

Using technical indicators to affirm

In using the evening star pattern to upgrade our trading strategy, we apply more technical indicators for confirmation. Really good ones are Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD).

RSI: Let's locate values above 70 to show overbought conditions that will favor our bearish thesis. MACD: Look for a bearish crossover, which would indicate a momentum shift consistent with the evening star signal.

These technical indicators help improve our trading signals. This can lead to more successful trades using the evening star pattern. The pattern becomes more reliable when it matches other indicators, which makes us feel more confident in our trading decisions.

Pattern TypeBearish Reversal
Candlestick PatternThree Candles: Up, Doji, Down
Entry ConfirmationThird Candle Closes
Stop-Loss PositionAbove the High of Second Candle
Indicators to ConsiderRSI, MACD

Evening Star and Morning Star

These are crucial trading patterns: Evening Star and Morning Star. Evening Star signifies a downward trend, while Morning Star shows an upward trend. Both consist of three candles but appear in different market conditions.

So let's examine what makes them different:

FeatureEvening StarMorning Star
Trend ContextOccurs at the peak of an uptrendOccurs after a downtrend
First CandleLarge bullish candleLarge bearish candle
Second CandleDoji or small-bodied candleDoji or small-bodied candle
Third CandleGreater bearish candle confirms the reversalGreater bullish candle confirms the reversal
Timeframe ReliabilityMost reliable on daily chartsGood on most timeframes

Both patterns show a change in how the market feels. An Evening Star warns that selling may happen, while the Morning Star suggests that buying might occur. Using volume or Fibonacci levels with these patterns can help us trade better.

The importance of using these patterns is knowing well the market. Misread signs can lead to serious losses. So, knowing the Evening Star and the Morning Star helps us trade better.

Benefits of the Evening Star Pattern

The Evening Star candlestick pattern is good for traders. It's simple to see and use. Even new traders can find it, helping them predict when prices may change.

Clear Picture Display

This pattern has three candles, which clarify changes within the market. There will be a huge bullish candle followed by a short one that in turn usually reflects uncertainty. Finally, it will be the large bearish candle that illustrates going away from an upward trend, making it easy to determine when prices may fall.

Indicates Potential Selling Opportunities

Seeing the Evening Star means it's time to think about selling. Traders often start short positions after they see it. They hope to earn money at old support levels. This pattern helps us guess when to sell, making it easier to earn more money when prices drop.

Disadvantages of the Evening Star Pattern:

The Evening Star candlestick pattern is known for showing downward price changes. However, it has some problems. One major problem is the chance of getting false signals. This happens more often on shorter time frames, where market noise can make things unclear.

We need to be cautious. Trading solely by Evening Star can lead one to losses. It is also capable of increasing the level of trading risk.

Probability of False Signals

Although the Evening Star has a 70.2% success rate, sometimes it sends erroneous signals. If the market moves very fast, its weakness comes into play. Other technical indicators must be evaluated also.

Useful tools can be Bollinger Bands or the Relative Strength Indicator (RSI). They reduce the risk and make our trading analysis more precise.

Market changes and dependability

The Evening Star can also vary depending on market variability. It is a very good bearish sign if located in trending markets; however, it will certainly be misread in a sideways or consolidating market. Only good risk management and analysis of various time frames for signals could help us take smarter trading decisions. It would make us perform well within the financial markets.


What is the Evening Star pattern?

Evening Star: This is a reversal pattern signaling bearishness. It has three candlesticks: a large bullish, small indecisive, and a big bearish one. It occurs at the top of the uptrend and signals a possible reversal of the trend.

So, we are searching for the Evening Star pattern. There are three conditions to observe the Evening Star. A long bullish candle, then a short indecisive candle, and a long bearish candle which closes lower, meaning the sellers are taking over.

What are the main features of the Evening Star pattern?

It has a strong up candle first. Then, a small unclear candle. Lastly, a big down candle that starts a down trend. It shows an uptrend might stop.

What makes market context important in trading the Evening Star?

It is essential for the Evening Star: to work well after a long rise in prices at important resistance points. Understanding the market helps us make better trades.

Let's add technical indicators to the Evening Star in order to make it a bit more reliable. One would add using the tools, RSI or MACD. If they indicate a difference, then it will support our trading decisions. Therefore, this pattern becomes more trustworthy.

So, there are risks with the Evening Star pattern as well. Yes, the Evening Star has risks, such as giving false signals on short timeframes. It's important to use it with other confirmations to prevent losing trades.

The Evening Star is unlike the Morning Star in this. Both are three-candle patterns; however, the Evening Star and Morning Star differ as the former is a bearish pattern and the latter is bullish. It is necessary to know their context.

Which trading strategies may we use when we observe an Evening Star pattern?

When we see an evening star, we can sell at important resistance points. Enter stop above the highest point of the pattern and set targets based on the price change.

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